

In recent times, having a great hair dryer was a necessity instead of a wish.
My hair always looks frizzy and crunchy no matter what I do. This dryer has completely changed the way my hair feels after it's been dried. I used to hate blow drying my hair. I would bake my hair for longer periods of time to get it dry. Now? Because my hair will always look and feel healthy, I enjoy blow drying it.
Dyson customers who buy directly from Dyson have several advantages.
My Dyson Ultrasonic hair dryer review
Magnetic attachments are a great option. I've had to drop my hairdryer several times and break the diffuser part. Sometimes, the threaded part of an attachment can become loose and not attach. I recall specifically ducttaping one of the attachments to my old dryer. That didn't work. With the Dyson magnet attachments, these things won't be possible. Attachments for all of life!

I used the Dyson Supersonic for Amanda's curly 3B and 2C hairs. We used the diffuser only on her hair. However I used all attachments for my own hair, except for wide-tooth as it's not made for me. I didn't remember to take photos until after I had used the concentrator and diffuser attachments. Please pardon me. My hair felt and looked great after I used both attachments.
Although I haven’t seen a knockoff, you can let your hair air dry most of it and then blow dry with a hair dryer for the last few seconds. This will give you a smooth and shiny finish without having to heat it.
My hair is usually washed twice a week. I sometimes let my hair air dry but I prefer to blow it out. My hair is thick, long and curly so I can dry it straight. Or I can diffuse it to create a fun wave.
Fast is what I mean when I say it. My hair is thick and curly, measuring 28 inches in length. It's quite a lot of hair. Diffusing my hair took me five minutes. This is a great trick for when it's colder outside and my hair doesn't need to air dry for more than half of the day. It took me 20 minutes to do a blowout. I'm not an expert. If I was a better blowout artist, it would have been much faster.
This is the future hair dryer. Dyson Supersonic promises a smoother and more shiny hair. They also claim to reduce frizz and cut down on drying time. Dyson V9 uses their Air Multiplier tech, which creates lots of air at controlled rates to dry your hair quicker. The Dyson dryer monitors the heat coming off the dryer 40 times per minute to control the heat and avoid any damage. Your hair will be shinier and smoother with less damage--both when you use the tool and over the years. If you are worried about frizz, the dryer uses negative ions to reduce static. This will keep your hair smooth and shiny all day.


You don't need to worry about your hand getting too hot while you hold the tool.
The next thing I knew I was a Dyson fan. The Dyson blow dryer is faster than other hair dryers. When I first used it, I recorded the drying time on my smartphone. The result? 1:40:11. It took me less than two minutes to dry my entire head. My hair is fine and short, but I find it takes longer to make instant coffee. This alone made me decide that the Dyson was worth it. Although I often run late, I don't worry about whether I have enough time to dry my hair now. I have always got two minutes.
Intelligent heat control
A resounding yes, yes, yes. I couldn't have imagined that $400 worth of plastic would be so enticing to me.
After testing various hair types in our laboratories we have developed attachments to style different types.

price tag

price tag

Dyson claims that they have tested various hair types in their laboratory and created a variety of attachments to style them.
My straight, fine hair looks almost lifeless. My hair is flat against my head and looks even thinner than it really is. My hair hasn't been bleached in over a year. My hair is almost entirely natural, with a touch of highlighting at the ends. My hair is very oily without any color. I can last just one day between washes and my hair is still looking bad the next day. I am washing my hair more than ever before and doing all I can to keep my ends healthy and moisturized.
Dyson claims the Supersonic has a lower percentage of hair damage than it actually claims. However, I can tell you what my hair feels like after using a Dyson dryer (not fried) or when I straighten it (fried).
Dyson claims that they have tested various hair types in their laboratory and created a variety of attachments to style them.
I was pleasantly surprised at how much volume this hair dryer added to my hair. My hair is fine and straight. The Dyson Supersonic has been a great choice for me because it gives my hair a lot of volume. I use the round hairbrush that comes with my dryer (which is ideal for curtain bangs I must add) and one the concentratornozzles to style the bangs and add volume to the roots. My hair never looks like it has ever been on a set.


The design is very simple. The Dyson Supersonic is a sleek, modern hair dryer. You might expect something heavy, clunky and difficult to use for longer than a few minutes. This dryer is lighter than most other hair dryers and easier to use around your head. The motor at its center is smaller and more efficient than traditional hair dryers. This makes it easier to use and much quieter. This might change the way you view your hair. Dyson designed this dryer in tribute to their bestselling customers, hence the iconic hole at its center.
This Dyson ultra-fast drying hair dryer will prevent extreme heat damage.
This luxury, high-powered hair dryer gives you a great blow dry and also saves time.
I was hooked on Dyson and I didn't even know it.
Is a hair dryer costing $400+ worth it? I've been using the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer for a year now. I love it. But, I can't recommend it to everyone. Read my honest review. Continue reading...



Since 2018, I have owned the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer. While I love it, it is not for everyone. Although it prevents heat damage from the hair, the price is prohibitive and may not be the best option for everyone.
Magnetic attachments are included with the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer. This allows you to adjust your settings quickly and easily.
The Dyson Supersonic hairdryer measures the temperature of air and regulates it. This prevents hair from suffering severe heat damage and helps to protect its shine.
My hair is curly, a mix of 3b and 3c curls. I spent most my puberty years straightening my hair by all means. At 18 I decided enough was enough, and started to learn about how to care for my curls. Now, I have mastered hair care. I know what products to use, how it should be styled, how to sleep with it (I could write a book about how to sleep with curly hair), as well as how to maintain it healthy. What is the result? The result? I have long, healthy curls. The extremely long drying time is the only thing I can do without. The Dyson hair dryer is the solution.
My Dyson Supersonic was purchased back in 2018 with three attachments. Now, it comes with these five:

air temperature

Customer Reviews and Product Star Ratings allow customers to learn more about a product and decide if it's right for them.
Since 2018, I have owned the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer. While I love it, it is not for everyone. Although it prevents heat damage from the hair, the price is prohibitive and may not be the best option for everyone.
You can choose a pretty presentation case or stand or, like me, keep it loosely in a drawer in the bathroom.
There are four temperature settings for the Dyson hairdryer. The highest setting can reach 212F while the coolest setting can reach 82F.
The Dyson hair dryer stands out from the rest because it drys my hair in half the time.

air temperature

Frequently Asked Questions

The bottom line: The Dyson Supersonic blew away the competition when it came to drying speed, strongest airflow, and consumer satisfaction in our
extensive testing. If you're in the market for a new hair dryer — and have some savings built up — it's proven to be the best hair dryer you can buy.

For this experiment I washed my hair, toweled it up for exactly six minutes while I lotioned up and got dressed and then blew my hair out.
With the Dyson hair dryer, drying my hair took seven minutes.

Unlike some others, the Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer measures air temperature over 40 times a second, and regulates the heat.
This prevents extreme heat damage, to help protect your hair's shine.

Dyson says it's less damaging to your hair. The dryer allegedly prevents extreme heat damage by measuring the temperature 20 times a second to
ensure that it is consistently at a healthy temperature for your hair.